
Rental Fees

Facility reservations need to be made at least two weeks in advance of the requested date.

The Clubhouse at Dolphin Lake • 2700 183rd Street, Homewood

Rental Rates

Monday-Thursday • 9 am-10 pm / Friday-Sunday • 10 am-midnight
Non-Prime Time (Monday-Thursday) 3 hour min. Full room (cap. 120) - $99

Prime Time (Friday-Sunday) 5 hour min. Full room (cap. 120) - $995 ($199 per hour)
Additional hours $199
Basic table linens included - white or black (no napkins)
Minimum afternoon rentals must conclude by 4 pm / Minimum evening rentals may begin at 6 pm

Included Amenities: Tables, chairs, podium, and sound system with microphone.

Additional amenities and services available for an additional fee. Please call 708.957.0300 or see the Additional Amenities Price Guide to customize your special event.

Premier Package Options
Packages must be purchased at time of payment.

Diamond ($3,190): Includes 10 hours of rental time, chair covers, 12 uplights, 5 highboy tables with linens, outdoor deck furniture, outdoor amphitheater with seating up to 100 guests, grand red carpet entrance, white ceiling drapery and clean-up service. $725 in savings!

Sapphire ($2,490): Includes 10 hours of rental time, chair covers, 6 uplights, 5 highboy tables with linens, outdoor amphitheater with seating for up to 100 guests and clean-up service. $475 in savings!

Ruby ($2,140): Includes 10 hours of rental time, chair covers, 6 uplights and clean-up service. $350 in savings!

Crystal ($1,440): Includes 6 hours of rental time, chair covers, 6 uplights and clean-up service. $260 in savings!

Meeting Space Special ($300): Includes 4 hours of rental time (Monday-Thursday), projector, podium and microphone. Security deposit waived if an active credit card is on file. Meeting must be concluded by 2 pm. $70 in savings!

Rental Information
The total rental fee plus security/damage deposit of $300 is required at the time of booking. No dates will be saved without payment in full.

Wiley's Grill is the preferred caterer. Call 708.957.8774 for more information.

If bringing in (beer, wine, and/or Champagne only), a $300 permit/insurance policy is required. No permit is necessary if using Wiley's Grill for alcohol service.

Irwin Community Center • 18120 S. Highland Ave., Homewood

Rental Rates

Rental Information
Irwin Alcohol Permit - Bring your own beer, wine, and Champagne - $300

*For Kitchen rental - half room or full room rental is required for the same amount of time.

H-F Sports Complex • 18211 S. Aberdeen Ave., Homewood

Rental Rates

Rental Information
Rental Hours: 8 am-10 pm

Minimum of 2 hours rental.

Park Place in Flossmoor Park • 2523 Flossmoor Rd., Flossmoor

Rental Rates
 Friday & Saturday • 8am-11pm / Sunday-Thursday • 8am- 10pm

Capacity Resident Resident
Non-Resident Security Deposit
30 $34/hr. $29/hr. $54/hr. $100

Rental Information
Minimum of 2 hours rental.

Irons Oaks Environmental Learning Center • 20000 S. Western Ave., Olympia Fields

Rental Rates
 7:30 am-11:30 pm, 7 days a week.

Rental Space Capacity Mon.-Thurs. Fri.-Sun. Non-Profit
Main Irons Room
(700-600 ft2 )
80 $85/hr. $115/hr. $65/hr. (Mon.-Thurs.)
Discovery Center
(1,150 ft2 )
60 $70/hr. $95/hr. $55/hr. (Mon.-Thurs.)
Outdoor Tent with Room Rental 100 $25/hr. add on $35/hr. add on
Outdoor Tent
(Rented alone)
100 $45/hr.  $65/hr. 

Rental Information
Minimum of 3 hours rental.

Alcohol Permit - $150
Damage Deposit - $200

Wiley's Grill • 800 Kedzie Ave., Flossmoor

Rental Rates

Rental Space Capacity Resident & Non-Resident
Restaurant Area 100 $100 / 4 hr. + food/beverage minimum of $15.00 per person plus tax and service fee.
Outdoor Tent 100 $100 / 4 hr. + food/beverage minimum of $15.00 per person plus tax and service fee.


H-F Racquet & Fitness Club • 2920 W. 183rd St., Homewood

Rental Rates

Conference Room Member: $38/hr. + Security Deposit
  Non-Member: $47/1st hr. & $41 Each additional hr. + Security Deposit
  Includes: Tables,/chairs, and room set-up.
Note: Additional fees may apply if rental is after hours and requires additional supervision.
Fitness Studio Member: $50/hr. + Security Deposit
  Non-Member: $75/hr. + Security Deposit
  Fitness instructor may be provided at add-on fee of $30/hr. (dependent on instructor availability.
Garage Member: $60/hr. + Security Deposit
  Non-Member: $85/hr. + Security Deposit
  Fitness instructor may be provided at add-on fee of $30/hr. (dependent on instructor availability.
Yoga Studio Member: $40/hr. + Security Deposit
  Non-Member: $65/hr. + Security Deposit
  Fitness instructor may be provided at add-on fee of $30/hr. (dependent on instructor availability.

Rental Information
Minimum of 2 hours rental in all spaces.

Availability is first come, first serve. H-F Racquet & Fitness  Club Programs and/or events have first priority.

Security Deposit of $100 (property damage/additional time used) in the form of a credit card # that will be charged in the event of property damage or additional time needs.

H-F Ice Arena • 777 Kedzie Ave., Flossmoor

Rental Rates

Rental Space Prime Time Non-Prime Time
Main Ice Arena Rink $395/hr. $365/hr.
Studio Rink $120/hr. $120/hr.
Rental Space Capacity
Resident Resident
Non-Resident Non-Resident
Conference Room 45
$50/hr. $50/hr.
$50/hr. $50/hr.


Lions Club Pool • 1041 Ridge Rd., Homewood

Rental Rates

Pool Rentals
Includes 2 hours of private facility use & must include 1:6 adult chaperones for children under 12.

Rental Options Time/Day Fee
1-100 guests Saturday or Sunday


7:30-9:30 pm

Resident Fee: $485


Non-Resident Fee: $570

101-300 guests Saturday or Sunday


7:30-9:30 pm

Resident Fee: $560


Non-Resident Fee: $660

*Add-on option: $50 to bring in your own food, $100 to keep Lions Den Concession Stand open for your rental(guests purchase their own food).

For questions email Jennah Carlson at jcarlson@hfparks.com or call 708.957.0300