Skate Park Features:
A concrete skateboard and inline skating playground — opened in 2000 with guidance from a teen advisory group. Equipment at this park includes a combination of half- and quarter-pipes, grinding rails and other ramps made from steel for durability. The park is operated on a drop-in, unsupervised basis with no fee or preregistration required. Skaters must wear protective helmets, elbow pads, knee pads and shoes. It is open from 8 a.m. until dusk.
The park also features the district's only Graffiti Board, where creative tweens and teens can express themselves. Vulgarities, offensive materials and gang symbols are not allowed. To report improper artwork, please call 708-957-0280.
Safety Guidelines
Extreme Scene Skate Park is unsupervised and participants skate at their own risk.In-line skating and skateboarding are high-risk recreation activities with inherent risks of serious injury. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, children ages 5 and younger should not use skateboards.
- Only skateboards and in-line skates are permitted in this park.
- Bicycles are not allowed and persons not skating are prohibited from using the skating structure.
- Skaters must wear protective helmets, elbow pads, knee pads, shoes, etc.
- Personally-owned ramps, boxes and other devices shall not be brought into this park.
- Food and drink are not allowed inside the fenced skating area.
- Smoking and alcohol are prohibited.
- Profanity, reckless behavior, pushing, bullying, etc. are not allowed.
- Tagging, graffiti and stickers are not allowed—except on the designated “graffiti board.” Graffiti must not contain vulgar or offensive material or gang-relatedsymbols.
- For safety reasons, headphones are not allowed. Boom boxes are allowed, as long as the music is appropriate and does not contain profanity or offensive lyrics. Volume should be kept to a minimum as to not disturb other park patrons and park neighbors.
- In the event that the skate park rules are not being followed, the H-F Park District may elect to temporarily or permanently close this park.